Tuesday, July 31, 2012

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Check-in/OK message from Go Spot Go SPOT Personal Tracker

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 16 - Skagway

Today the whole group ended up going down to Dkagway for a visit through the shops, lunch, some history, and some breathtaking scenery.

Some rode the bikes down but nine of us took a combined bus/train trip down the white pass line. It was a real intimate connection with the territory we were traveling through and a trip
I would recommend.

We gathered back at the hotel in Whitehorse for supper and after a nightcap, we are turning in for the night.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Check-in/OK message from Go Spot Go SPOT Personal Tracker

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 15 - Dawson City

The day started late for me as I slept in after the late night at Diamond Tooth Gerties last night. When I finally rose everyone was pretty much gone doing their thing for the day so I went and had breakfast. By the time I finished Dave, Karen and Patti showed up and the four of us drove up to the dome to see the sights.

After some ice cream we went over to the Robert Service cabin to hear of his life and listen to a few of his many poems. After that we went to a downtown theatre where we listened to the stories of three influential locals acted out and voted which was the Klondike king.

I did some laundry after that and then some of us went to a Greek restaurant while a bunch if others went on the paddle wheeler cruise.

One more trip over to Gerties for the early show and then over to the downtown hotel for the famous sourtoe cocktail. The Yukon Gold is now one of my new favorite drinks but I don't need that black toe to touch my lips again. While in Rome...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Check-in/OK message from Go Spot Go SPOT Personal Tracker

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 12-14 Fairbanks-Tok-Dawson City

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Our free day in Fairbanks ended up being a drizzly rest day. Not too much enthusiasm to go dancing in the rain. However, upon arrival to Fairbanks my trailer wheel was making cklick sounds so I spent the morning dismantling the wheel, searching for bearings, and reassembly. All is good now.

The ride to Tok was a pleasant day. We furst stopped at North Pole to visit Santa, and then we stopped for lunch at Delta Junction, which is the official end point of the Alaska Highway. After lunch we spotted nine moose on the side of the road, one individual and four sets of cow and calf.

Next day was the ride over the top of the world highway to Dawson City. I was worried as there was a rider dumped his bike in the mud a week earlier and we didn't know what road conditions to expect.

The ride from Tok to Chicken was good enough as it was paved. We stopped at Chicken for lunch. Chicken got its name because the people wanted to name the town after the local game birds but they couldn't agree on the spelling of ptarmigan.

Then about 200km of dry dusty gravel with sections of washboard and a finale of a ferry crossing where I nearly dropped my bike, we all arrived safely in Dawson City.

Dave, Dave and I then went to wash our bikes and somehow got kicked out of a car wash for spraying water on our bikes. We relocated to another wash and finished the job. Then we showered and went for supper.

Later in the evening we went over to enjoy Diamond Tooth Gerties gambling hall and burlesque show. What fun. Turned in after a very late night.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 11 - Anchorage to Fairbanks

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GPS location Date/Time:07/24/2012 10:55:18 NPT

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Today was an early start. Lucille and I along with Karen and Patti departed early at 6:30 to go to Talkeetna. We had breakfast and wandered around a bit and finally got on a flight towards Densli. Unfortunately, it was too cloudy to get close and we were only able to get to the lower end of the glaciers. Afterwards we made a beeline for Fairbanks where most of the group had already arrived.

Dave Bodnaruk decided to detour over to Val Des and will meet the group again in Tok. John and Marietta, along with Arnie and Dianne left the group and are on their own camping tour now.

We arrived at Fairbanks now and my trailer wheel has a click in it, so tomorrow I will have to scare up some wheel bearings for it. But first things first. BEER

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 8-10 - Anchorage

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GPS location Date/Time:07/22/2012 07:53:12 NPT

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The ride from Tok to Anchorage was picturesque and relaxed, except at some point I lost track of Dave. We were riding a bit behind the group and he stopped to take a picture. Well we rode for about five minutes before stopping to wait for him, and when he didn't show up we backtracked looking for him. After wasting about forty minutes we decided we should catch up with the group and decide what to do. Well we finally caught up with the rest at anchorage and Dave was with the group and people were starting to wonder where we were instead. All turned out well.

Yesterday we did a poker run in the rain and I ended up with a very good hand. We will see at the banquet if it is the winner or not. AAAQ5.

Sunday is another drizzly day for a guided tour.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 7 - Destruction Bay to Tok

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GPS location Date/Time:07/20/2012 05:49:37 NPT

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We were warned of really rough roads on the way to Tok, and although we did encounter lots of construction and breaks and heaves it really wasn't as bad as it was made up to be. We all arrived safe and sound in Tok and got to washing the road off the bikes.

Another group from Ontario was traveling from Dawson City on the top of the world and encountered mud. One bike went down and the rider has a sprained ankle but the co-rider broke her shoulder and was flown out to Tok. It makes us a little respectful for our planned trip over the same route in a week.

Just relaxing here after supper, arriving at the ore game show for the rally tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 6 - Whitehorse to Destruction Bay

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GPS location Date/Time:07/19/2012 04:24:45 NPT

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Today was a very short day mileage-wise, but a nice change of pace after the longer days so far. We stopped at Haynes Junction for lunch and a little side trip into Kluane airport so Lucille could have a little trip down memory lane from her Logan expedition. Arrived early at Destruction Bay and just relaxing for the rest of the day.

The picture is the "muffin" at Haynes Junction.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 5 - Watson Lake to Whitehorse

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A relatively short ride today mileage wise but lots to see along the way. We stopped for lunch at Teslin and enjoyed a really great wildlife museum attached to the gift shop. Shortly afterwards we stopped for what was supposedly the worlds best cinnamon bun, but from my seat, the jury is still deliberating and will have to sole many more for comparison.

We arrived in Whitehorse in a bit of a rain storm but it only really started raining at the edge of town do we didn't get a chance to get soaked. I took a cab out to the airport and picked up Lucille and then we went out to a great little fish and chips steakhouse with Dave for supper. They had a great sourdough bread pudding that was impossible not to try. The rest of the group stayed and ate at the hotel so they didn't have to brave the rain.

It looks like it is clearing up nicely and the forecast currently looks good for the rest of the week.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 4 - Bell II to Watson Lake

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GPS location Date/Time:07/17/2012 07:48:06 NPT

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Today we made it up to Watson Lake on beautiful 70 degree weather. We saw the first signs of rougher roads but all on all we have nothing to complain about. The Cassiar has treated us well.

Looking forward to tomorrow as Lucille flies into Whitehorse to join us.

Day 3 - Smithers to Bell II Lodge

Today was going to be a relatively short ride up to Bell II Lodge but it included a side trip into Stewart and Hedley AK.

This Cassiar highway runs right along the base of the mountains do on your left to the west are fairly large mountains, but on the east is relatively open foothills. The highway is in excellent condition do far, surprising for getting so far North. They must have replaced it recently.

We turned west for our side trip and were rewarded with waterfalls and glaciers. The Bear Glacier comes down fairly close to the road.

Continuing on into Hedley we stopped for fish and chips at a vendor in a bus. We were warning it would be slow but it turned out to be really slow. About every 15 minutes a couple more people would get their food, so lunch took about 3 hours. There was another group of wingers there from the Surrey chapter so there was lots of socializing. The halibut was good, but I have to say the name seafood express is the worst name tis business could have as there is nothing express about it.

We continued on to Bell II Lodge, which is primarily a Heli-Ski operation. Very nice log cabins with big rooms and comfy beds, but a little on the pricy side.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Check-in/OK message from Go Spot Go SPOT Personal Tracker

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 2 - McBride to Smithers

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Today we broke into three groups and made our way to Smithers in much more manageable temperatures. Ait started out fairly cool but warmed up significantly but cooled down a bit with cloud cover and the occasional short sprinkle of rain.

Four of us went to Prince George to repair Lloyd's trailer proactively. That took a couple of hours but we all feel much better that we won't break down at a more inconvenient spot.

Going out for a steak and a beer.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 1- Edmonton to McBride the long way

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GPS location Date/Time:07/14/2012 09:26:12 NPT

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The general plan today was to meet at the Husky at highway 16 and 60, be ready to leave by 8:30, ride to Edson to meet more of the group, continue to Hinton to pick up Larry and Myrna, then continue on to McBride. Well it turned out to be a longer ride than that.

When we were passing through Hinton, because unknown to me we were supposed to meet Larry and Myrna at a spot further on, a desperate looking woman ran from the IGA parking lot, tripped and nearly did a face plant, then wove her arms wildly as we passed by. I was at the rear of the third group and was the only one to recognize this woman was Myrna. I have to work on my communications skills because no matter what I said over the radio the group just kept going doggedly forward to the original revised plan. About thirty km past Hinton we finally arrived at the muster point and I was able to let everyone know that Larry and Myrna were back in Hinton with some kind of tire problem as Larry had come on the radio and said so. The Mozzies were eating us alive and everyone wanted to get moving so Dave and I decided to backtrack while the rest proceeded on.

We connected almost immediately with Larry and Myrna and the tire problem was actually a problem with the torsion bar axle system on their trailer. We tweaked it, had lunch, went over to Canadian tire to affect a better repair, bought a spare tire as his original was chewed up by the problem a bit, and finally moved forward towards Jasper. It wasn't long before the problem reappeared, but now both sides were affected. Dave suggested we detour to Valemont where he had a friend with a shop. After a few howdy dos they got down to fixing it and Myrna and I went back into town for supper and a cool drink. About an hour later the other two appeared with a repaired trailer, had their supper, and we continued on to McBride.

Other than that it was a gorgeous hot wonderful ride. I had to break out the cooling vest around Jasper, we saw a magnificent Elk, the biggest Grizzley bear I have ever seen, and a first for me, magestic Mt. Robson where you can actually see the summit. What a beautiful sight. And the late evening ride could only be improved if the sun was at our back instead of in our eyes. The wind was calm, the temperature finally cooling down, and the pavement was smooth.

Now tomorrow, we have to do it all over with Lloyd's trailer as his has the same problem developing that Larry's had. At least we know how to fix it now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Check-in/OK message from Go Spot Go SPOT Personal Tracker

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