Saturday, September 24, 2011

Farewell to Nova Scotia

Well it turns put that the Tidal Bore wasn't any more spectacular in Truro as it was in Maitland. We decided we had sufficient time to detour yesterday over to Saint John. That way when we are asked if we went to Newfoundland we can at least respond that we were in Saint John briefly.

This morning we started in a light rain and went to see the reversing falls in high tide before making our way towards home. We are riding in improving conditions hoping to make it to Rivière du Loup.

I think we are just a little early for mother natures full show but we are certainly getting a nice preview in these parts. Where there is color, it is very bright reds and oranges. I might just have to decorate my bike a little with leaves as a proof of concept for the paint job I was considering.

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