Monday, September 12, 2011

A restful day in Gatineau

On Sunday I got up early and joined the local GWRRA chapter for breakfast. Unfortunately they didn't have a ride planned as there was a big ride for guide dogs that most of them were doing. I didn't feel like riding with a few hundred bikes so i went my own way.

So after breakfast I crossed into Quebec and explored Gatineau park, and found a nice outdoor patio for lunch. The picture is from a lookout in the park. When I cone through again in a couple of weeks I might return to this spot for a color comparison. The trees are just stating to get touched by the brush.

I then checked into our hotel and hung out for a few hours before I went to the airport to pick up Lucille. Thanks Al and Arlene for making sure she got to the airport in Edmoonton.

So today, Monday, we are going to do the touristy thing in historic Ottawa and see the parliament buildings and other such things. We have our fingers crossed on the weather as there is some moisture in the forecast.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Gatineau Park is wonderful, glad Lucille arrived safely. Enjoy the tour of the house and if you see Stephen say "Hi" for me. It could be a good day to tour because I believe they open today so a trip tp the public gallery could be interesting.