Sunday, May 9, 2010

Destination Highway #4

GPS location Date/Time:05/09/2010 21:18:11 MDT

Click the link below to see where I am located.,-123.93089&ll=49.11555,-123.93089&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Our original plan was to ride up to Port Hardy today, but we became aware of the location of DH4 west of Campbell River into Gold River, so we decided to do that instead. We also continued on to Muchalet Inlet. There we met this Turkish guy who told us all the history of the area - twice. Apparrently, all the world's problems can be blamed on the NDP, but I already knew that.

They were working in the inlet, bundling cedar logs, and the bundles were being moved around by these miniature tug boats. They were very manneuverable, and bobbed in the water like a cork. They look to be just about as much fun as riding the road up there.

I found that this highway did test my skills, particularly on downhill left turns, but I did not find the road in it's entirety to be as satisfying as Destination Highway #5 between New Denver and Kaslo. Dave says his favourite is DH3 to Lilloet, and after that, he likes the road to Tofino we were on Yesterday. I still like good old #5. But that is not to say you should avoid #4, it was a very entertaining road and should not be missed if you are ever in the area.

Going salmon fishing tomorrow.

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