Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12 - Visit Penticton and Summerland

GPS location Date/Time:05/12/2010 20:46:26 MDT

Click the link below to see where I am located.,-119.54833&ll=49.18445,-119.54833&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Well, the mandatory tire pressure check indicated two problems. Dave's front tire is still leaking, and neither one of us has what we would consider an ideal tire gauge. We really started looking for the leak, putting spit in the schrader valve, and putting liquid on all the tire and along the rim seals. No Bubbles to be found. Then I said to Dave to give that valve stem a wiggle, and voila, psss...pssss...pssss. And just like that, our agenda for the day became clear. We grabbed the Gold Book and looked up the Honda dealer in Pentiction. We confirmed that they had a replacement valve in stock and could sqeeze us in, so off to Penticton we went. I find it ironic that both Dave's brother and him had valve replacement surgery within a week, and both patients are doing well. And while Dave was in the parking lot, the Mack tools guy was there and sold him a great tire guage. It's a bit big for my taste, but it works really well and I am told they make a smaller version. While the bike was in the shop, Dave threw caution to the wind and we rode 2-up over to a restaurant for lunch. I must have done OK because he got back on for the return trip.

After we got the bike back, we continued to Summerland where Dave has a brother-in-law, and we visited for a few hours before retunring to Oliver for the night.

Sorry, no pictures today.

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