Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15 - Homeward Bound

Wingnut Latitude:53.4894 Longitude:-113.52673 GPS location Date/Time:05/15/2010 20:19:28 MDT

Click the link below to see where I am located.,-113.52673&ll=53.4894,-113.52673&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
On our way once again, We headed over to Lake Louise for a peek, and then headed up the Icefields Parkway.

What an incredibly beautiful day in the parkway, relatively warm with sunny skies, and a Springtime view with snow still clinging to the mountainsides giving just stunning views. I rarely make it through there without getting rained on at some point, so today was a really special ride. We dropped off the trailer at the crossing, and continued up the parkway to visit the obscure Panther Falls. Still some rotten snow on the trail and even worse when you go off trail here, like I do, to get to the real view of this little waterfall. It was a lot of work for me to get in and out today with my chest cold reducing my already out of shape respiratory system, but it was worth it. Now that Dave knows about the place, he says he will visit again in the summer.

After Panther Falls, we back-tracked to pick up the trailer and continued on to Nordegg where we stopped at the Miner's Cafe for lunch, then it was a pretty straight ride home from there. I decided to stop at a Hughs car wash to fill up and remove the evidence of the trip. The bike was pretty good at the beginning of the day, but we know we are back in Alberta when we see the bugs.

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